
Smith-Bryant Post 572


Post Officer Contact Information

Commander, Kristie Young - commander@txlegion572.org - 325-812-2317

Adjutant, Carl Frentz - adjutant@txlegion572.org - 325 617-2572

Finance Officer, Kyle Mantel - finance@txlegion572.org - 325 340-6592

Hubmaster, Rana Krussow - website@txlegion572.org 


General Information Requests

E-mail Us:  website@txlegion572.org

Telephone Us with your inquiries:  325 617-2572

Our Post Web Site is: https://txlegion572.org/

Our Mailing address is:

Smith-Bryant Post 572
PO Box 704
San Angelo, Texas 76902


Membership Meetings

Post membership meetings are scheduled on the third Saturday of each month at the Elks Lodge, 2121 South Chadbourne. The Elks usually host a cost-free breakfast for veterans starting at 7:00 AM and lasting until about 9:30 AM. The Post meeting follows after the breakfast at 10 AM. 

The Post annual election of officers is scheduled for the May meeting. More information will be published on the Event Calendar closer to election time. 

Our Post welcomes your input. Please send us your comments, opinions, and ideas on how to improve our community support. You may send us a photo or two with captions, notices of special events, your fundraiser flyers, and other items of interest that support the Legion 4 Pillars. 

Our Post, at its sole discretion, will publish those signed contributions determined to be of good taste and credible content. Please express your views and become an active member of our Post 572 and the San Angelo community.