
Smith-Bryant Post 572


Leadership Recognition

Currently serving as Post 572 vice commander, Jim Cox had devoted four consecutive years to serving as the Post Commander. Always searching for ideas and programs to provide for community military veterans, then commander Cox was a keen advocate of civic and sports activities for youth and young adults to participate in and aspire to make a difference in our city schools and after-school program.  

Commander Meurer made very fitting remarks as he presented Cox with the polished plaque and gavel memento. Those attending the March 16, 2021, general membership meeting responded with a rousing round of applause. 


March 16, 2021: (L-R) Hank Rose, Adjutant Carl Frentz, Vice Commander Jim Cox, Commander Jeff Meurer 



March 16, 2021: Post 572 Commander Meurer (above right) presents the gavel plaque with an engraved plate to Jim Cox in tribute to his years of devoted and continuing service to this post and all Texas Tom Green County veterans and youth. Cox had embraced the concept of Veterans Strengthening America well before it was adopted in 2020 as The American Legion motto.  
