
Smith-Bryant Post 572



Message from the Post Commander, Kristie Young, SFC, US Army (Ret)



Welcome to 2025!

I hope everyone had a chance to recover from the whirlwind of activities our post was involved in from the beginning of November through right before Christmas. I know I needed the time to recuperate and re-energize for the New Year.

As usual we hit the ground at a sprint. We started off the year with the District Oratorical competition. Akash Vukoti, Central HS Sophomore, presented his prepared speech, We the People, and an assigned speech on Amendment VII, Trial by Jury. Akash once again proved why he was selected to represent not just Post 572, but the 21st District at the 4th Division competition. He will be facing some stiff competition, but I have no doubt he can handle it. The Division Oratorical competition will be held 1 February in Odessa at Earl S. Bailey Post 430, 2701 East 8th Street Odessa, TX 79761, starting at 1pm if you would like to come support Akash as he tries to make it to the Department competition.

Post leadership headed down to Austin for the Mid-Winter Conference where we had the opportunity to listen to many committees, learning about Department finances, Boys State concerns and budget, the closing of 6 posts across the state, and the challenge was made to all the posts to recruit new members. We also made it known that there is a problem with the legion.org website not showing Post 572 (and many others) when searching for local posts. And, since this is where many potential new members will look for us, it needs to be fixed. National Vice Commander Joseph “Joe” Lysaght was the guest speaker and representative from Legion HQ.

Boys State applications will be due 30 January with interviews to be conducted on 12 February at City Hall starting at 5pm. If you would like to volunteer to be on the panel of judges, please let me or Mr. Larry Miller know.

Other events upcoming this spring are our Highway Clean-up Saturday (2-mile stretch on FM2288 out by Buffalo Heights), Keep San Angelo Beautiful Spring Event, Legion Family Social, and cemetery clean up and posting of flags for Memorial Day weekend. We would love to see everyone out at one of these events!

Finally, we are starting to make the rounds of local businesses to sponsor this year’s Annual Memorial Golf Tournament on 31 May. This event is our major fundraiser of the year and requires the assistance of all post members to make it a success. If you know of any businesses or individuals who would like to sponsor a hole, a team, or the overall tournament, we would like to hear from you. We have several sponsorship levels available. We will also have the In Memory/In Honor of signs available for purchase.

There are plenty of opportunities to get involved with the post and the community in the next few weeks and months. If you know of a veteran who is not a member of our post or the Legion, bring him/her to our next meeting or event. They just might want to join!


Commander, Smith-Bryant Post 572


Commander, Smith-Bryant Post 572





The website content will be continually updated with specific local and community information as accurately and quickly as possible. Please check back often for website updates and new information about Post 572 ongoing and new initiatives. 




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